What is Vegetarian?

Those who follow the vegetarian diet avoid eating meat and poultry; the definition of what’s considered vegetarian has changed a lot and many cultures have their own list of what they consider to be vegetarian. While some consider eggs to be vegetarian, others don’t and while some consider eating fish to be part of a vegetarian diet, for many others, it is taboo.

In India, generally, vegetarian food is referred to food that does not have any trace of meat, fish or eggs in it; products that are marked as vegetarian are assumed to be free of these.

Mirchi.com does not allow the listing of products that are not vegetarian; we require all sellers to clearly agree to sell only those products that have no meat, fish or egg in them and also display that a product is suitable for vegetarians.

Products that are suitable for Vegetarians are indicated by this icon in the Dietary Information section of a product: